The table below shows a listing of all the posts made on the blog, with a small description of their topic.
Topic | Description | Link |
8 Queens Problem | Using backtracking and C# to solve the 8 queens problem | 8Queens |
Sudoku Solver | A C# console App to solve Sudoku | Sudoku |
Roman Numerals | Converting a number to roman numerals using C# | RomanNumerals |
Airbnb | Using Python/Pandas to Analyse Airbnb data in London | AirBnb |
Lottery | Using Python/Pandas to perform chi squared analysis on a Canadian lottery dataset | Lottery |
You are Better at Maths than a computer | Does 0.1 + 0.2= 0.3? A detailed explanation of floating-point rounding errors. | Floating Points |
Enigma Machine | C# implementation of the Cesar Cipher and Enigma machine Encryption | Enigma |
Snake | The Classic Snake game made with Python and PyGame | Snake |
Sonic Pi | The Creation of a Drum machine in Sonic Pi | Drumming |
Monty Hall Problem | Bayes Theorem and C# Simulation to explain the Monty Hall Problem | MontyHall |
Power BI – Personal Finances | The creation of a data model and reporting of personal bank accounts in Power BI | Modelling Personal Finances in Power BI |
Shuffling | An introduction to shuffling algorithms and the issues associated in shuffling music playlists (C#) | Everyday I’m Shuffling |
Power BI – What If Analysis | Using Power BI to demonstrate “What If” Analysis. A mortgage calculator based on user input | what if analysis-PowerBI |
Fake it Till you Make it | A small example showing Mocks in unit testing | UnitTesting Mocks |
Coding Wordle | A Python version of the NY Times game Wordle | Coding Wordle |
Cracking Wordle | Code that helps you solve the NY Times game Wordle | Cracking Wordle |
Dev Ops | An Example of Dev Ops applied to build, test and deploy an API in Azure | Dev Ops |
Benfords Law | Python Code / Examples / Explanations of Benford’s Law | Benfords Law |
Unstructured Data | Parsing JSON – 3 methods | Unstructured Data |
Turtle | Using Python Turtle to Draw/Learn to code | Turtle |
Titanic – Analysing the Survival Data | A data analysis piece on the ship register / survival rates on the Titanic | Titanic Analysis |
Titanic – Using Machine Learning to Forecast Survival | A basic machine learning example predicting whether passengers survived the Titanic or not | Titanic ML |
The Data Lakehouse – Introducing Databricks | An introduction into a few articles based on Databricks | The Data LakeHouse |
Databricks – Accessing Data with a Service Principal | An Article detailing authentication methods with Databricks | Accessing a Data Lake Using a Service Principal |
Databricks – Mounting Storage and accessing files | An Article detailing file access via the Databricks GUI | Databricks – Mounting Storage and Importing Files |
Databricks – Using Github with Databricks | An article showing how Github can be used with Azure Databricks | Databricks – Connecting to GitHub |
Leetcode – 2 Sum | Two answers to the Leetcode 2 sum problem | Leetcode – 2sum |
Leetcode – 3 Sum | An answer to the Leetcode 3 sum problem | Leetcode – 3sum |
The Martingale System | An article detailing the martingale gambling system and the probabilities based around that | The Martingale System |
Movie Recommendations | An article showing 3 ways in which a Netflix style recommendation engine could be coded | Movie Recommendations |
Find me a friend – Social Networks | An introduction to Graph Databases with examples shown using GraphFrames in Databricks. | Find me a Friend – Social Networks and Graph |