
The table below shows a listing of all the posts made on the blog, with a small description of their topic.

8 Queens ProblemUsing backtracking and C# to solve the 8 queens problem8Queens
Sudoku SolverA C# console App to solve SudokuSudoku
Roman NumeralsConverting a number to roman numerals using C#RomanNumerals
AirbnbUsing Python/Pandas to Analyse Airbnb data in LondonAirBnb
LotteryUsing Python/Pandas to perform chi squared analysis on a Canadian lottery datasetLottery
You are Better at Maths than a computerDoes 0.1 + 0.2= 0.3? A detailed explanation of floating-point rounding errors.Floating Points
Enigma MachineC# implementation of the Cesar Cipher and Enigma machine EncryptionEnigma
SnakeThe Classic Snake game made with Python and PyGameSnake
Sonic PiThe Creation of a Drum machine in Sonic PiDrumming
Monty Hall ProblemBayes Theorem and C# Simulation to explain the Monty Hall ProblemMontyHall
Power BI – Personal FinancesThe creation of a data model and reporting of personal bank accounts in Power BIModelling Personal Finances in Power BI
ShufflingAn introduction to shuffling algorithms and the issues associated in shuffling music playlists (C#)Everyday I’m Shuffling
Power BI – What If AnalysisUsing Power BI to demonstrate “What If” Analysis. A mortgage calculator based on user input what if analysis-PowerBI
Fake it Till you Make itA small example showing Mocks in unit testingUnitTesting Mocks
Coding WordleA Python version of the NY Times game WordleCoding Wordle
Cracking WordleCode that helps you solve the NY Times game WordleCracking Wordle
Dev OpsAn Example of Dev Ops applied to build, test and deploy an API in AzureDev Ops
Benfords LawPython Code / Examples / Explanations of Benford’s LawBenfords Law
Unstructured DataParsing JSON – 3 methods Unstructured Data
TurtleUsing Python Turtle to Draw/Learn to codeTurtle
Titanic – Analysing the Survival DataA data analysis piece on the ship register / survival rates on the TitanicTitanic Analysis
Titanic – Using Machine Learning to Forecast SurvivalA basic machine learning example predicting whether passengers survived the Titanic or notTitanic ML
The Data Lakehouse – Introducing DatabricksAn introduction into a few articles based on DatabricksThe Data LakeHouse
Databricks – Accessing Data with a Service PrincipalAn Article detailing authentication methods with DatabricksAccessing a Data Lake Using a Service Principal
Databricks – Mounting Storage and accessing filesAn Article detailing file access via the Databricks GUIDatabricks – Mounting Storage and Importing Files
Databricks – Using Github with DatabricksAn article showing how Github can be used with Azure DatabricksDatabricks – Connecting to GitHub
Leetcode – 2 SumTwo answers to the Leetcode 2 sum problemLeetcode – 2sum
Leetcode – 3 SumAn answer to the Leetcode 3 sum problemLeetcode – 3sum
The Martingale SystemAn article detailing the martingale gambling system and the probabilities based around thatThe Martingale System
Movie RecommendationsAn article showing 3 ways in which a Netflix style recommendation engine could be codedMovie Recommendations
Find me a friend – Social NetworksAn introduction to Graph Databases with examples shown using GraphFrames in Databricks.Find me a Friend – Social Networks and Graph